
Annual Symposium

The PA Forestry Association is proud to announce the dates of the Annual Symposium. This event will focus upon the DCNR- Bureau of Forestry strategic plan.

Adaptive Management For Penn’s Woods

PA Forestry Association 2020 Annual Symposium | Friday, October 29, 2020
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn and State Forester Ellen Shultzabarger discuss the importance of adaptations in managing, conserving and recreating in Pennsylvania’s forests.

PA Conservation Pioneers

The PA Forestry Association, in cooperation with the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art is proud to bring you the second video in the “Discovering PA’s Forest Heritage” series.

Smokey Bear

The Pennsylvania Forestry Association, in cooperation with the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art is proud to bring you the fourth video, Wildfires/Smokey Bear, in the “Discovering PA’s Forest Heritage” series.

Forest Heritage Discovery

The PA Forestry Association in cooperation with the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art is proud to bring you the Fifth Video-Forest Products in the “Discovering PA’s Forest Heritage” series.

PA Forest Fire Towers

The PA Forestry Association in cooperation with the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art is proud to bring you the sixth Video-"Forest Fire Towers" in the “Discovering PA’s Forest Heritage” series.

Walk in Penn's Woods!

PFA is a lead partner in the team for WALK IN PENN’S WOODS, the public working woods walks to be held in every county across the state on October 1, 2017.